My Name is Franklyn, I\m 15 years old and I\m an Aspiring CEO of Me2U Enterprise. Where our users will be able to join the p2p lending and p2p funding to help raise money for their various purposes. <br> <br>As it is, the Project is in need of an official Website <br>Patners, Sponsors, Advertisements and a few workers. We\ll also need to Create social media handles for Marketing our services which include <br>Advertisement, Social Media account Boosting which will be held in correspondence to our 2nd Project, WeandtheWorld which will be launched a year after the First. <br> <br>I\d be really in great debt if You are part of the Fundraising event for our Project. As you\d be helping me and my Team accomplish our Goal of \Giving Everyone a Decent and Convenient Standard of Living\.
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