The life we're all living now
Happy on the outside
Shredded on the inside
We all covering our scars with masks
We don't wanna be judged by the society
We know no one understands our pain
We live as per their expectations
We hurt ourselves
Young people walking around
Carrying razors
No one suspects anything
We inflict pain on ourselves
No one asks
We sink in depression
No one cares
Untill that time
When our depression wins
When we can't move any further
When our vision is blurred by tears
When we choose silence
We choose drugs
We become addicts
We take our lives
We hurt others
Only then
The society will see
It will see our pain
That we're broken
That we're far from home
But most of the time
It's always too late
Now, please
Stop judging
Stop imposing your opinions on others
Stop comparing
Stop bad mouthing
Maybe we'll take of our masks
Maybe we'll be truly happy again
We will smile from within
And we'll speak out our mind
We'll call for help when we feeling down
Stop judging
Stop pretence
Stop backbiting
We'll pull our masks of
You'll see the real us.

Grace Lyndah
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Grace Lyndah
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Grace Lyndah
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