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Lodpost: how to make money by writing articles on lodpost
The best site that will pay you for writing articles 2022
What is lodpost?
Lodpost is a website that is designed to help content creators to write their articles under categories of their interests.
Benefits of joining lodpost
. Anyone can join lodpost and write articles for their interests.
. Members are allowed to read other member's articles.
. It's free to join
. It doesn't require any experience to join and start making money
. It provides free learning platform
Does lodpost pay for articles writing?
Yes it pays! For every article that you write and publish. Note : the article must be original for it to be approved.
The article will be paid for every click and reading.
Do i need to pay registration fees?
No! You don't need even a dime when registering for lodpost account. If anyone asks for registration fee please report immediately.
What are the requirements?
Good internet, you must have a stable network and internet to write an article
Original article, every article posted must be original and no copyright claims
Smartphone, laptop or computer, you must have any of the three items to start writing articles on lodpost
How do i join lodpost?
You have to read the below statement and follow all the steps provided
The first thing you need is the link below to register
. Click on the link above, put your name first and last name
. Set a username and password
Provide your email address
Verify your account by clicking on the confirm message in your email. Then you can wait for approval email.
PLEASE NOTE: It can take up to one hour for the account to be approved.
Lodpost is a good website for writing articles because it allows you to earn money and improve your English skills/writing.
If you have any question don't hesitate to ask, you can write a message or write a comment.
You can also subscribe to our newsletter for more information about lodpost
Am Cynthia Antonine from Kenya.
I am a UX designer
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